Monday, December 03, 2007
Lady at dusk
If you have been to such kind of environment you will really forget everything including yourself. Trust me, you don’t need cooler or fan inside the rooms made by teak woods. It was amazingly very cool!
The two ponds I mentioned above have two different purposes. One is used for water which is mainly for agricultural purposes. The other pond is used for taking bath. Its really green water with different kinds of fishes.
When dusk comes one senior lady member of the family will walk up to the grove with a lamp in hand. Wearing traditional Kerala set sari, jasmine flowers on her head and lighted lamp she slowly walks around one kms from the house to the grove in a blue dusk time. She will be walking with prayers in her lips. Prayers to protect the family and its members. Even God can’t avoid that. I think so.
There is a divine spirit in an around there. It becomes so evident only on dusk. Sometimes fear grips me thinking that being in Mumbai I must be severely punished by God for all the good habits I am having. Scenes like this you will experience only when you are in your native place. Sometimes I really think I am alive only because of their prayers.
I raised my hands and prayed. Prayed for all who are known to me and strangers to me.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Renaming Web into Web2.0 - Manoj Pillai

According to Wikipedia's definition “ Web 2.0, a phrase coined by O'Reilly Media in 2004, refers to a perceived second generation of web-based services—such as social networking sites, wikis, communication tools, and folksonomies—that emphasize online collaboration and sharing among users.”
According to Tim O’Reilly "Web2.0 is the business revolution in the computer industry caused by the move to the internet as platform, and an attempt to understand the rules for success on that new platform.
The core idea behind is attracting more people to use rich internet applications without the burden of network load. That leads to more and more traffic. It is all about linking, sharing and better collaboration with lots of people.
Let us have look at the common features of Web2.0
We2.0 is very simple. That means the website built on the basis of web2.0 must be very simple to use. Here your creative aspects come into the picture. You have to develop your own features on your website.
Second feature is the centrally focused layout. The allocation of the lay out is fully centralized. This can be attained by cascading style sheet thereby you are separating your design from the content. It also means that your website must be positioned in straight front. That makes your website more bold and honest.
Finally Web2.0 allows users to use applications through web browsers. The products offered by Google are good examples. This gives more interaction among users .That means you can edit and share documents online with others at the same time.
All we getting from these very four characteristics are very rich and interactive internet applications. Active participation of users from all over the world for social networking is the mantra of Web 2.0. Very systematic way of creating and up gradation of data at a lightening speed is another challenge. Modification by users and freedom given to them is also important. Basically it’s a global platform for users around the world to interact more comfortably.
Technically it’s a combination of three important things.
1) Rich Internet Applications
2) Service Oriented Architecture
3) Social Web
With these characteristics Web2.0 has given birth to some wonderful technologies also. The most beautiful among them are Blogging, Mashups, Ajax and Youtube. It all depends on the end users to make the maximum use of the above said applications. How this will help you? Suppose if you are into online marketing business and your website uses all the Web.20 techniques like participating and submitting their contents online using Ajax, Blogging etc, this will create much stronger relationship with you and your end users. It will also lead to a great deal of traffic into your website. We can call this whole process as Web2.0 process.
It’s a huge challenge for the developers who are dealing with these new technologies to place it for the maximum utilization of the powers internet offering to us. It’s a real challenge and at the same time, its fun also.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
US – Friend or Foe?
To how much extend we can trust the people sitting in the US congress? This is a difficult question. Most of the law makers sitting in the congress were born in the cold war era. They were brought up and fought for the ideals in a period where India bashing was on high scale.
There is a clear cut answer for it. Though we were proclaimed ourselves as the champions of Non alliance movement, the whole world knows we were with the USSR.
Lets us come back to the US congressman. They were very well aware of that. At that period they were in love with our neighbor Pakistan. Shamelessly Pakistan did a wonderful lobbying in and out the US congress. But we were in strong romance with USSR.
Not surprisingly, the US executing bosses including their Presidents were not in fine relationship with the world’s largest democracy. When we were in wars with our neighbors, US never helped us. We didn’t fax a request for help to Washington also.
US words were not sweet when we annexed Goa by a military action and also when we proclaimed Sikkim as an integral part of India. Kashmir is a complex issue for India as well as US too.
Things started changed when Indian IT workers landed in US in 80’s. They played a major role in changing Indian image in the US. Young and smart engineers from our IITs and IIMs landed in Silicon Wally and started companies. These companies grew on a fast space and generated huge income sufficient enough to build a new and vibrant lobbying in US politics. US approach to India changes from there.
Coupled with other political factors happened around the world like growing power of China, threats from North Korea , Iran and attack of US by Taliban forced US think tanks to rewrite its India vision.
From 80’s major US multinationals were on a hunting spare for a nation where they can invest. India was the best bet. After Mr. Sing opened our economy to US the amount of investment to this country was unimaginable.
Now its 2008
1) US wants to protect its assets in India as US investments in India are growing like on an alarming rate
2) US wants to make sure India will never be a threat to it’s super power status
These are the two main hidden agendas for this nuclear deal.
US done it very cleverly after the Second World War. The two nations Germany and Japan were the super powers in the world threatening even the US. After the world war US pumped millions of dollars and investment into these two countries to recover from the War losses. But never allowed them to become a military power. NATO is another strategy. And our 123 agreement is also the same
Monday, October 01, 2007
A reception !
On my way to Worli from Byculla station I was forced to be in the cab for almost half an hour. Yesterday was the final day for this city to say goodbye to one of her favorite deities Lord Ganesha. There was any single point of doubt in my mind why I have been stopped?
Mumbai. Where Bollywood icons and Cricket stars have been treated almost equal to God, the reason for the my stoppage was the 30 kms parade of the victorious Indian cricket team. From Sahar airport to Stadium.
To my surprise irrespective of the fear that I was already late, I found almost all my colleagues were on the road. In the mass crowd, I saw people who belong to almost all professions. From the top level Executives who work in posh cabins to panipurui wallha who makes panipuri.
There was a small function going on arranged by the local shiv sena to welcome the super 20 heroes. I saw a mallu speaking loudly in his cell phone that he has been waiting to see the brave hearts. There was a small Durga exactly opposite to Mobile phone shop people there came out wearing the cap to cheer for our team.
The roof of the Parsi ladies hostel nearby was filled with girls holding tri color. The crowd I saw included lot of people who belong to different corners of this great country.
It was the biggest celebration and welcome this great city given to anyone. Here the superstar is not Dhoni or Yuvraj. It’s the sports who bring this huge courty divided by cast , creed, language.
Sunday, June 03, 2007
IT workers are workaholic!
I must make a point that most of the companies presently working in Tecnopark, Trivandrum have succeeded in developing a work culture which is quite alien to the culture existing in and around Trivandrum city.
I am happy to see that the people eating Pizza and having Lemon tea from a world standard restaurant instead of eating parippuvada and cuttan chaya. But I seriously fear that the change is for good and bad? Naturally in an orthodox city like trivandrum, where every change will be scrutinized with the typical mallu attitude of suspicion and clear cut leftist mentality, my doubts have some values.
Quick money coming into the pockets of fresh IT engineers will end up at five star betrothals! There is a chance. So it will affect the society and its values. Huge spending of money is good for society but at the same time it will make you bankrupts soon.
Another reason is that today’s youngsters have a feeling that money is easy to make and can buy every thing. So there is a danger. Money can buy everything means money can buy your WIFE also. Thereby avoiding the sanctity that comes along with the marriage . Divorce suits filing are turning out to be a prestige issue among many youths in Kerala today.
Another terrible reason is the sudden change of food habits. Mallu youth choose fast food and inviting diabetics very soon. Sudden deviation from a traditional diet to Chinese food cause major cause of concern. According to doctors, people turn out be heart patients at the age of 30.
To sum up all the above points, I must say there is a danger you love IT too much better be ready to spend your quality time with your parents and of course wife also.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Then what is India?
India is not Bollywood!
India is not Lakme fashion Show!
India is not TaTa, Birla and Ambani!
Then what is India?
India is Vidarbha!!!
India is Wynad!!!
India is Kalahandi!!!
There were no Kerala MPs present in the parliament when there was a special debate on the special relief packages for the farmers committing suicide in Vidhabha. It also covered the alarming number of farmers committing suicide in the various parts of India including the Wynad district of Kerala.
Two famous Marxists MPs ( supposed to be the champions of weaker sections and working class) who were very busy with a celebration function of CPM. One Congress MP came late exactly after the meeting
I feel ashamed about myself because We, including I elected those people to sit in Paliament.
A june night and an early morning
There was a beer bar in Sion near to Sion circle. In the company where I was working there were only one man left after 11 pm. That was me. Even watchman wanted to sleep at that time. So he genuinely told me “Boss you keep the key of the company.”
I agreed with a smile.
Ulhasnagar was very far away from Sion. It will take near to 1 hour and 45 minutes to reach there. I used to visit the book shope after my shift. My favorite was indian short stories. It will make you "romantic" suddenly. Walking towards Sion station with a JavaScript book in hand and Forsters spirit in head on a hot June night was a thrilling experience.
Sitting in an empty bench at the railway station waiting for the Ambernath local was a boring experience. Vivid memories about my future came into my mind. As those memories were not pleasant I tried hard to clear them from my mind.
One day I got a Kalyan local. It was around 12 am. Kalyan station was almost empty. I reached the station at around 1.30 early morning. I came to know that Ambernath local is scheduled for platform no 5. I walked slowly toward the platform.
Suddenly I saw blood. It was very hot blood. It was flowing towards the track As I raised my eyes to see the source, I saw a man laying. His face was calm and it looked like he was sleeping calmly. But he was divided into two pieces by the local.
I was looking for water. No saliva left in my mouth.
When you reach Ulhasnagar, your will smell chemicals. The river that is flowing near the station is black in color filled with chemicals from a nearbychemical factory. There is no escape from the bad smell for you especially when you reach there by 2 am. The flat I was staying was two kilometers way from the station. There were couple of rickshaws parked near the station. But no trace of drivers. You left with no option but to walk to cover the two kilometers.
Pigs were roaming in the road as if they were enjoying the empty road. They started making wired sound at the sight of a strange intruder. It happed at the first time . After that they became calm as they too expecting me at that time. Dogs were barking. The unbearable chemical smell of the river still in the air. I remember the face.
My hands were wet when I reached the flat and knocked the door. Uncle came with an angry face and told me you must leave the place.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Making Sweden a home
There is a say in this small county. It goes like that if you living in the Uppsala County you will live longer. As its generally true for the whole part of Sweden its not news to the residents in the county. But they have a feeling that they are superior to their other Swedish people living in other counties.
When Harry Arun was standing in the queue to celebrate June 6, National Day of Sweden, he was very happy. He put his arm on his chest and proudly said I am a Swedish. Few miles away Monica was standing, she also felt the same feeling.
Why your hair is brown? May be some genetic problem. His friends Carl and Mark cocluded.
Harry Arun! what is the meaning of Arun?
This was really confusing! Arun thought. Its very strange in Sweden a name called Arun. Why my name is like this? Why I am dark? Why my hair is black. Why my eyes are black.
These were really disturbing questions for himself, Jonathan Arun’s dad and Margrett Arun’s mother.
When Arun and Monica came to the house both of them were crying. The reason is that somebody called them aliens.
One day one interesting thing happened Arun was going to Stockholm with Jonathan he saw a man looking same as Arun. He ran towards him and stared at him. He smiled and shook Arun’s hand. What is your name ?
I am Arun.
Wow Arun exclaimed for the first time in Sweden I am hearing a name as mine. Where you from ?
This word made a tremendous impact in young Arun’s mind. If I go there I can see a people looking similar to me. Balck hair, black eyes etc. Even Monica will be happy Arun thought.
Getting things done!
Sachin became Manager (deputy) within one year after he joined his MBA. He will say. Are you mad Pillai? How can you say that? But tell me Sachin your MBA course given you so much confidence in you to put deputy tag on your shoulder. More to say he got enough courage to drive his new swift though the traffic congested route of chembur with transportation chart in his mind.
I know Ally from the day we met at Mumbai University. We were standing in the queue to get eligibility certificate. Poor guy went back to his old heaven Amaravati to collect some certificates to submit there. But if you put in the same queue now, he won’t stand there, but he will be back with a university certificate in hand. SIMSR taught him also how to get things done.
Gavti sacrificed his job for his MBA. SIMSR ki jai.. Now Gauti has a job that he got it from SIMSR group. Gauti is doing his business well. Gauti also came to know the secrets that he can do things get done.
Shiv was a pakka UP guy when he joined SIMSR group. But believe me Shiv knows how to get things done well before he stepped into SIMSR. SIMSR added extra energy into that. What to say Shiv is unbeatable now. Guys time not far way you can spot this guy with financial times in one hand and a chit in other hand.
Whenever Katik entered into the boring financial management class at 8.59 pm that is one minute left to wind up the class, all people started laughing Nowadays nobody laugh at him because Kartik is like that only. A sudden shift from 100 cc bike to bullet Kartik came to know his things getting done. Now you can spot this guy with his new swfit in Malad area. many times we sat at the boring canteen looking at full time girls and finished lot of samosas. But always u paid the cash. Tell me did you get enough courage from simsr to shift your job from Pune to Mumbai. SIMSR given you enough courage to go UK? He came back within one week with flying colours. JOB well done man because you learned how to get things done from SIMSR.
Stani no more to say about you. A mallu guy with no trace of mallu accent . You are lucky man. I only know the pain when ally always hear impotent instead important from me. Nobody to teach this guy how to get things done. He is a master in it. Even SIMSR can learn some tips from him .
You can spot all the above guys sitting in chairman’s seat of big companies well before 2020. SIMSR guaranties that because they know how to get things really done.
In Mumbai local
We sat together and started discussion about various topics ranging from US Iran strategy to Mumbai Corporation election results. People sitting beside us thought that these two people are very BIG and were looking at us admirably, I guess. Sorry to say that we were talking very loudly!!.
Suddenly TTR came and asked tickets. Both of us showed our tickets . But I didn't write my name , age and didn't even sign it. He also sat with me and took out his book and pen to fine me. I told him that I am sorry. But he didn't listen to it and fined me Rs 360.
As usual I was out of cash and I had only 250 Rs in my pocket. I begged TTR that sir I really don't have cash to pay the entire amount you fined me. TTR told me don't worry ask your friend sitting near you. I looked at my professors face. He already taken out his purse and looking for money. TheProfessor helped me to pay the rest of the amount.
Then the TTR asked me my name. I asked why? If you don't have time to write your name, let me write on it. I told him "NO". "This is my pass". "Let me write on it". As both of us raising each others voice I thought its stupidity to quarrel in front of my professor.
The TTR wrote my name , age and told me to sign on it. I asked him please put your signature also. Because next time you come for checking, you will be happy to see your signature.