Usability and design are two brothers that quarrel with each other always. I screw my mind to see why that is happening? Can we both sit together and deliver better products, a great website or a user happily surfing interface. An open minded understand will do good to all. Isn’t it?
Usability engineering is not design.
Usability engineering always marks problems but not suggest solutions. They never report facts when user researchers put forward solutions. But when they collide with each other both are wrong.
Designers always disrespect usability reporting. UI engineers underestimate the importance of design. Bark always at each other. Its not a case of effective communications. Designers have to face constrains what the technology will give them on plate and the most cut throat dead lines. The UI guys never understand this limitation and avoid normally the role of design. So the problem is structural in nature.
If UI people need to understand the designers, dude must understand the design. It in cludes it’s importance and it’s constraints too. The UI lad must actually become a designer. They must apply interactive method by fully understanding the design concepts. Then the problem solved forever.
Usability is always based on data and it can be analyzed thoroughly and very methodological in nature. But design on the other hand is pure and art and talent. It always needs respect and understanding
UI address concerns but design is solving problems by giving adequate solutions.
But if you design is bad then you screwed yourself and even someone spend considerable amount of UL engineering time will not solve your problems.
Design is much more than colorizing picture for kids. ARTSYFARTSY websites do exist. For God sake web sites and web applications must stand alone and do not misunderstand each other. Most importantly do not reduce design. Each project have it’s own constraints and requirements.
At the starting point of product development very limited attentions has been given to product on the part of design. Sorry guys design is not something we can terms as optional. Properly not acknowledging design is nothing but not taking your customers and products seriously.
But did we given the adequate importance to design yet? I would say no.
UI testing is very important and never put behind. How important. Well that is a question. A well calculated question. But always stand up for only what the user wants, you are doing nothing more than expecting trouble. Concentrating on user needs I refer that not But wants?
I pointed out effective communication at somewhere before. I am taking back attention to that word to put in a way that is more perceptive. Researchers must understand the core design tools like composition, layout, and color. They must stay and at the same time due respect to them while they give lecture .I think they must understand users constrains with regard to technology, business and integrity. Designers must be ready to sit down with them.
Designers must come down and ready to apologize to things they need to. They must look respectively to technology that will improve the design. They must bring their standard of quality to a much higher level. Design will ultimately lead to innovation. With respect and understanding we must bring UI into our products with mutual respect .
Good topic while I chit chat with colleagues. That too while sipping a glass of strong coffee @ Barista in Brigade road or Richmond road. Not with soul mate @ office