That morning in 1946 was not usual. There were tensions existing in the villages scattered near Alleppy. The dogs were still barking. Even the dogs know the something real going to happen there.
The hate and fear about the Diwan is very strong. There was a man who were sphere heading a section of peasants in a small village. His name is Achuthanadan.
In 2008
The man who came through hardship and agony is the chief minister. But the irony is that this man elevated into the same ‘Diwan” by his remarks attributed to Sandeep who died in encounter with terrorist in Mumbai.
Mr Chief Minister, I know that the situation at Sandeep’s house is not a welcome sign for you. But you must understand the pain his family is going through. As a chief minister you must have called immediately when the news broke out . You can have any excuses in this age of mobile and net enabled phone.
When you and your comrades came to know the seriousness of the issues it was too late. You and your leaders were attending polit beauro. What polit beauro hai?
Each and every Indian citizen is praying for India and its marityors.You were in Polit beuro? No wonder you and your party supported Chinese aggression.
After that the drama and insult you created is so painful. You must know the people in Kerala see all these dramas. They are not fools.
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Friday, November 07, 2008
A man and his mission

He proclaimed to US that the change has come into America. A dream cherished by Martin Luther King. But I would like to link Obama more to Lincon than to King. Many white Americans it’s a golden moment that their democracy is giving something in return to them . For black its something the democracy is in store for them
The change he promises does not limit to US . It clearly relates to the world at large.
Look at his victory words “watching tonight from beyond our shores, from parliaments and palaces to those who are huddled around radios in the forgotten corners of our world - our stories are singular, but our destiny is shared”.
Instead Bush cried loudly after the twin towers got attacked “every nation in every region now has a decisions to make” - either you are with us or against us.
Obama knows the world is clearly connected . He seek support and understands clearly that its world which is very well inter connected like never before.
Bush after his 4 years in white house clearly failed to understand the people and how to persuade them in the next term he got
Obama’s childhood in a Muslim majority and Asian country like Indonesia makes him something strange powers that is quite unusual to anybody who have been destined to sit at Oval Office
Friday, October 24, 2008
Meeting a poet in ujjain
Let me take myself to Vikramditya’s court. I am entering into a huge palace. I feel that it’s the golden era happened in India. People are happy. No poverty. Everybody is rich and happy. There I was standing.
I heard one man coming and telling me that I will show you a genius. A poet! Wow. Well OK. There he is. He is physically well built and handsome too.
Is this the man who received praise from Goethe? Is this a man who created Sakauntala. Is this a man who came after Ashvaghoshha to take Sanskrit literature into much higher level.
I can’t believe that he is uneducated in the beginning. He was ditched by his fiancée who were so disappointed by knowing that he doesn’t know anything. But Kali saved him.
I thought about my childhood and my Grany’s answers about my stupid questions.
Why Kali gone out Ammuma?
Ammuma: Kali wanted to go out of the srikovil because she had some unfinished work.
Me: Well Ok. So the sree kovil is empty?
Ammuma: Hmm. So the idiot prince went into that and locked.
Me: Ayyooo? Then how Kali will get into it. If people come in the morning to see her. What will happen Daivame?
Ammuma: Kali came back and saw the Srikovil is locked inside. Who is inside? No Ans. Kali repeated who is that and who is locked .
After that one voice came from inside “Who is outside?”
Kali got very angry. Are you questioning me?
Me: My God. He asked the Goddess. Mone gaya
Ammuma: Kali frustrated after asking the same questions again and again and finally replied. I am Kali standing outside and tell me who is inside?
I am Dasan inside and he came out. Kali given him the name and wrote “ Hari Sree Ganapathaye namah” on his tougue with her weapon.
The main poetic centre at Ujjain. People are gathered. Kalidasa is standing there and reciting his poem.
King Dushhyanta is hunting in the forest and he meets the hermit-girl Shakuntalaa, whom he marries by a ceremony of mutual consent. He made everybody stading there romantic literally including me.
Maharajan, you have to return back to the Kingdom.
Ohhhh all are disappointed including me
He presnts Shakuntalaa his signet ring and promise her that she will be taken into palace.
But curse is curse. When pregnant Shakuntalaa comes to the court, Dushhyanta fails to acknowledge her as his wife because of a curse.
All the temple bells ring all over Ujjain. Kalidasa stood and started moving towards Kali temple nearby by leaving his fans on the edge. He said to the anxious crowd!
Next part is tomorrow
Ujjain is red by sunset. The maha yogi is going for pooja at the kali temple. He passed me. I am near to him and looked at him admirably. The man who created Meghadūta, Abhijñānashākuntala and Kumārasambhava .
I called him “Deva”. He stopped and looked at me. Really
Make me your "YakSa" please. I will give your message to your beautiful wife and I will describe the beautiful course of my journey. I will paint the city of Alaka as it is.
I heard one man coming and telling me that I will show you a genius. A poet! Wow. Well OK. There he is. He is physically well built and handsome too.
Is this the man who received praise from Goethe? Is this a man who created Sakauntala. Is this a man who came after Ashvaghoshha to take Sanskrit literature into much higher level.
I can’t believe that he is uneducated in the beginning. He was ditched by his fiancée who were so disappointed by knowing that he doesn’t know anything. But Kali saved him.
I thought about my childhood and my Grany’s answers about my stupid questions.
Why Kali gone out Ammuma?
Ammuma: Kali wanted to go out of the srikovil because she had some unfinished work.
Me: Well Ok. So the sree kovil is empty?
Ammuma: Hmm. So the idiot prince went into that and locked.
Me: Ayyooo? Then how Kali will get into it. If people come in the morning to see her. What will happen Daivame?
Ammuma: Kali came back and saw the Srikovil is locked inside. Who is inside? No Ans. Kali repeated who is that and who is locked .
After that one voice came from inside “Who is outside?”
Kali got very angry. Are you questioning me?
Me: My God. He asked the Goddess. Mone gaya
Ammuma: Kali frustrated after asking the same questions again and again and finally replied. I am Kali standing outside and tell me who is inside?
I am Dasan inside and he came out. Kali given him the name and wrote “ Hari Sree Ganapathaye namah” on his tougue with her weapon.
The main poetic centre at Ujjain. People are gathered. Kalidasa is standing there and reciting his poem.
King Dushhyanta is hunting in the forest and he meets the hermit-girl Shakuntalaa, whom he marries by a ceremony of mutual consent. He made everybody stading there romantic literally including me.
Maharajan, you have to return back to the Kingdom.
Ohhhh all are disappointed including me
He presnts Shakuntalaa his signet ring and promise her that she will be taken into palace.
But curse is curse. When pregnant Shakuntalaa comes to the court, Dushhyanta fails to acknowledge her as his wife because of a curse.
All the temple bells ring all over Ujjain. Kalidasa stood and started moving towards Kali temple nearby by leaving his fans on the edge. He said to the anxious crowd!
Next part is tomorrow
Ujjain is red by sunset. The maha yogi is going for pooja at the kali temple. He passed me. I am near to him and looked at him admirably. The man who created Meghadūta, Abhijñānashākuntala and Kumārasambhava .
I called him “Deva”. He stopped and looked at me. Really
Make me your "YakSa" please. I will give your message to your beautiful wife and I will describe the beautiful course of my journey. I will paint the city of Alaka as it is.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Apple bites Orange
Apple bites Orange
Usability and design are two brothers that quarrel with each other always. I screw my mind to see why that is happening? Can we both sit together and deliver better products, a great website or a user happily surfing interface. An open minded understand will do good to all. Isn’t it?
Usability engineering is not design.
Usability engineering always marks problems but not suggest solutions. They never report facts when user researchers put forward solutions. But when they collide with each other both are wrong.
Designers always disrespect usability reporting. UI engineers underestimate the importance of design. Bark always at each other. Its not a case of effective communications. Designers have to face constrains what the technology will give them on plate and the most cut throat dead lines. The UI guys never understand this limitation and avoid normally the role of design. So the problem is structural in nature.
If UI people need to understand the designers, dude must understand the design. It in cludes it’s importance and it’s constraints too. The UI lad must actually become a designer. They must apply interactive method by fully understanding the design concepts. Then the problem solved forever.
Usability is always based on data and it can be analyzed thoroughly and very methodological in nature. But design on the other hand is pure and art and talent. It always needs respect and understanding
UI address concerns but design is solving problems by giving adequate solutions.
But if you design is bad then you screwed yourself and even someone spend considerable amount of UL engineering time will not solve your problems.
Design is much more than colorizing picture for kids. ARTSYFARTSY websites do exist. For God sake web sites and web applications must stand alone and do not misunderstand each other. Most importantly do not reduce design. Each project have it’s own constraints and requirements.
At the starting point of product development very limited attentions has been given to product on the part of design. Sorry guys design is not something we can terms as optional. Properly not acknowledging design is nothing but not taking your customers and products seriously.
But did we given the adequate importance to design yet? I would say no.
UI testing is very important and never put behind. How important. Well that is a question. A well calculated question. But always stand up for only what the user wants, you are doing nothing more than expecting trouble. Concentrating on user needs I refer that not But wants?
I pointed out effective communication at somewhere before. I am taking back attention to that word to put in a way that is more perceptive. Researchers must understand the core design tools like composition, layout, and color. They must stay and at the same time due respect to them while they give lecture .I think they must understand users constrains with regard to technology, business and integrity. Designers must be ready to sit down with them.
Designers must come down and ready to apologize to things they need to. They must look respectively to technology that will improve the design. They must bring their standard of quality to a much higher level. Design will ultimately lead to innovation. With respect and understanding we must bring UI into our products with mutual respect .
Usability and design are two brothers that quarrel with each other always. I screw my mind to see why that is happening? Can we both sit together and deliver better products, a great website or a user happily surfing interface. An open minded understand will do good to all. Isn’t it?
Usability engineering is not design.
Usability engineering always marks problems but not suggest solutions. They never report facts when user researchers put forward solutions. But when they collide with each other both are wrong.
Designers always disrespect usability reporting. UI engineers underestimate the importance of design. Bark always at each other. Its not a case of effective communications. Designers have to face constrains what the technology will give them on plate and the most cut throat dead lines. The UI guys never understand this limitation and avoid normally the role of design. So the problem is structural in nature.
If UI people need to understand the designers, dude must understand the design. It in cludes it’s importance and it’s constraints too. The UI lad must actually become a designer. They must apply interactive method by fully understanding the design concepts. Then the problem solved forever.
Usability is always based on data and it can be analyzed thoroughly and very methodological in nature. But design on the other hand is pure and art and talent. It always needs respect and understanding
UI address concerns but design is solving problems by giving adequate solutions.
But if you design is bad then you screwed yourself and even someone spend considerable amount of UL engineering time will not solve your problems.
Design is much more than colorizing picture for kids. ARTSYFARTSY websites do exist. For God sake web sites and web applications must stand alone and do not misunderstand each other. Most importantly do not reduce design. Each project have it’s own constraints and requirements.
At the starting point of product development very limited attentions has been given to product on the part of design. Sorry guys design is not something we can terms as optional. Properly not acknowledging design is nothing but not taking your customers and products seriously.
But did we given the adequate importance to design yet? I would say no.
UI testing is very important and never put behind. How important. Well that is a question. A well calculated question. But always stand up for only what the user wants, you are doing nothing more than expecting trouble. Concentrating on user needs I refer that not But wants?
I pointed out effective communication at somewhere before. I am taking back attention to that word to put in a way that is more perceptive. Researchers must understand the core design tools like composition, layout, and color. They must stay and at the same time due respect to them while they give lecture .I think they must understand users constrains with regard to technology, business and integrity. Designers must be ready to sit down with them.
Designers must come down and ready to apologize to things they need to. They must look respectively to technology that will improve the design. They must bring their standard of quality to a much higher level. Design will ultimately lead to innovation. With respect and understanding we must bring UI into our products with mutual respect .
Good topic while I chit chat with colleagues. That too while sipping a glass of strong coffee @ Barista in Brigade road or Richmond road. Not with soul mate @ office
Friday, October 17, 2008
The kis factor -1
When I term this word kis here don’t confuse it with “actual one Kiss”. I refer the word here as “Keep It Simple and deliberately removing “extra s”
It is really happy to see that the old and rather complex way of web development is out there in the corner but not like before. But surely not prominently like before. Developers are always keen on simple way of making web sites and of course they imagine always!
But the ghost, I rather say Ravan is there in the present day of web development. Not in the form very complicated nested tables but in the form of complex CSS hack.
They catch you before you look into!
All including me spend lot of time surfing what exactly is CSS hack in the end of 1999s. But let me tell you these creeps are a threat to both developments.
I am not in the masses saying that with hack we replaced frames and nested tables there were on the main menu of web developers. But rather with the use of these web developers always felt a feeling of mastery in the event of uncertain web content display
One thing is where CSS hack will do wonders is in the mailing list Mails using “Funny Fred’s Hilarious replaced Right-Bracket hack” will definitely amaze the newbie. Taken into consideration that the CSS Hacks always seek complex solutions is also matters. Its like I will never let you go away from me and at the same time I will help you also.
The point is clear web is still an uncertain place where even if you use all the CSS techniques available you can’t be make sure that you will get the desired result on the browers. By using hacks if you will get the desired effect you are inviting more uncertainty.
For a new guy who are just into the world of CSS its more practical that to follow the way the website is going on and make it simple. No browsers will ever support CSS 100% correctly.
Where the threat is actually?
Now the problem is that the finest CSS hack will not have the clear idea of the final outcome of what he is doing. In the case of Bug fixing imagine the Hack found a bug fair enough! But there is a second BUG related to CSS selectors. The Hack will take the second bug to solve the first bug. Crazy Isn’t?
So what you prefer solving a bug with another bug. Well that will definitely go beyond the web standard!
In any case you can’t trust the browser to be released soon. It might solve your problem or it might solve one bug and will not touch another or in this uncertain world the browser won’t touch either. Gosh!
So you expect extra rule for you unnecessary while you apply a hack
The smart hackers will get a pair of complicated bugs and will convince you that the browser will make the bug never solved and will seduce the newbie to follow them to master the craft.
Do you think it’s professional? Not at all!
A sense of responsibly matters!
Let me tell you one thing finally do not go for it! It screws you royally! After all a 10px doesn’t matters a lot guys
If a glaring bug happens I suggest you guys go for a real solution in CSS itself. If you try almost all the CSS technique then go for a HACK. But not recommended personally!
@import hacks for Netscape. But use it for dead browsers not for living browsers.
It is really happy to see that the old and rather complex way of web development is out there in the corner but not like before. But surely not prominently like before. Developers are always keen on simple way of making web sites and of course they imagine always!
But the ghost, I rather say Ravan is there in the present day of web development. Not in the form very complicated nested tables but in the form of complex CSS hack.
They catch you before you look into!
All including me spend lot of time surfing what exactly is CSS hack in the end of 1999s. But let me tell you these creeps are a threat to both developments.
I am not in the masses saying that with hack we replaced frames and nested tables there were on the main menu of web developers. But rather with the use of these web developers always felt a feeling of mastery in the event of uncertain web content display
One thing is where CSS hack will do wonders is in the mailing list Mails using “Funny Fred’s Hilarious replaced Right-Bracket hack” will definitely amaze the newbie. Taken into consideration that the CSS Hacks always seek complex solutions is also matters. Its like I will never let you go away from me and at the same time I will help you also.
The point is clear web is still an uncertain place where even if you use all the CSS techniques available you can’t be make sure that you will get the desired result on the browers. By using hacks if you will get the desired effect you are inviting more uncertainty.
For a new guy who are just into the world of CSS its more practical that to follow the way the website is going on and make it simple. No browsers will ever support CSS 100% correctly.
Where the threat is actually?
Now the problem is that the finest CSS hack will not have the clear idea of the final outcome of what he is doing. In the case of Bug fixing imagine the Hack found a bug fair enough! But there is a second BUG related to CSS selectors. The Hack will take the second bug to solve the first bug. Crazy Isn’t?
So what you prefer solving a bug with another bug. Well that will definitely go beyond the web standard!
In any case you can’t trust the browser to be released soon. It might solve your problem or it might solve one bug and will not touch another or in this uncertain world the browser won’t touch either. Gosh!
So you expect extra rule for you unnecessary while you apply a hack
The smart hackers will get a pair of complicated bugs and will convince you that the browser will make the bug never solved and will seduce the newbie to follow them to master the craft.
Do you think it’s professional? Not at all!
A sense of responsibly matters!
Let me tell you one thing finally do not go for it! It screws you royally! After all a 10px doesn’t matters a lot guys
If a glaring bug happens I suggest you guys go for a real solution in CSS itself. If you try almost all the CSS technique then go for a HACK. But not recommended personally!
@import hacks for Netscape. But use it for dead browsers not for living browsers.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
I am sorry Bangalore.
When Dinesh told me Hay Manoj did you see anything different? I got wondered what happened to my house. It’s more visible now. Something is terribly missing. Oh My God the black berry in front of my house has been mercilessly slaughtered. My Blackberry I screamed. Who did this?
The neighbors. Dinesh Replied.
Oh Man So cruel so cruel. I told him
I felt something terribly missed on that day. I felt somebody died. I asked him why they did that.
Dinesh told me the neighbor was saying we need to cut the tree as it is the source of all our miseries.
I didn’t hear the birds singing next morning and I felt the sun rays on my face that morning through the windows.
I am sorry Bangalore. I am really sorry. How can I do we are slaughtering you in the name of blind beliefs. I am sorry dear.
The neighbors. Dinesh Replied.
Oh Man So cruel so cruel. I told him
I felt something terribly missed on that day. I felt somebody died. I asked him why they did that.
Dinesh told me the neighbor was saying we need to cut the tree as it is the source of all our miseries.
I didn’t hear the birds singing next morning and I felt the sun rays on my face that morning through the windows.
I am sorry Bangalore. I am really sorry. How can I do we are slaughtering you in the name of blind beliefs. I am sorry dear.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
An idea can change your life
When Island express reached Ernakulam town I was reading Chetan Bhagat’s famous novel five points someone. I was little curious to know that Hari will bump into Prof Cherians daughter Neha. If that happens the coming chapters will be more exciting. But at the same time I couldn’t control my sleep and my eyes are literally shut. It was almost 2pm and town railway station was as hot as furnace in the July afternoon
I closed my novel and went to upper birth to sleep. I was awakened soon by someone speaking loudly in the compartment. I lifted my head and tried to capture on what is going on? I saw two people are just below my birth. One is bleeding and the other was consoling him. He was saying.
“Hay calm down, calm down just cool down and relax.”
“And sit here.”
He left after sometime and the train started moving towards Trichur. By this time my sleep had gone somewhere and I was just curious to know what exactly happened to this chap and came down
Our hero is around 25 years old and studying in a college. He is tall and thin. He looks like a chocolate hero with little beard. He was wearing a tshirt and jeans. He is from an affluent family in Trichur
Hay let me ask what happened to you. Your wounds are bleeding and you need medical treatment.
He looked at me and wept. I didn’t know what to do next. I asked Hay do you need any help. You look like that you from a decent family. What is the matter? You can tell me.
After some time he started to narrate his story. It all happened with this mobile phone and he picked a Nokia’s latest set from his jeans pocket. I got this damn thing few months back. I have been collecting money for the last few years to buy a mobile phone. Finally I got this one.
One fine Sunday I was about to visit a friend and I got a missed call. After saying this he made a sound like “Aaaah” out of pain.
I thought it must be one of my friends from a local booth. But a closer look changed my thinking that the STD code showed that it is someone who called me from alleppy district. I called back. The one who took the phone was a Girl called Nina. This was the beginning of my tragic life.
Hay I am sorry but what is your good name?
Vinod he replied. If you don’t mind, let share a tea I asked.
Of course he replied and Island express was approaching Trichur station slowly.
While he was sipping tea Vinod told me Nina’s voice was very sweet and I started to call her daily and our relationship grew day by day. One day I told my friend Asok about the incident. Asok was quite surprised. I told him its actually impossible for me now to live without calling Nina. She is very nice. I given her number to Asok.
Asok was Vinod’s classmate. He had to appear for the examination and was busy with studying. Oneday Asok got bordom after his studies and just dialled Nina’s number. Nina picked the phone and started talking with Asok. Asok never told Nina that I am Vinod’s friend.
Now the picture is that Nina started giving missed calls to both of us and both spent so many cards by making STD calls to Nina.
Days passed on. One day Asok met one of his friends Roopesh at a mall in Trichur and told him about his mobile love story but he never told Roopesh that he actually got the number from Vinod. Vinod is also Roopesh’s friend.
Roopesh just had a break up with his girl friend and was in search for a girlfriend. So after reaching home Roopseh just given a missed call to Nina and Nina given a missed call back to roopseh. On seeing Nina’s missed call on the cell roopseh called Nina immediately. Nina didn’t disappoint him too and entertained him daily
On a cool evening Vinod proposed to Nina saying that even if I didn’t meet you, I know that you are born for me on this world and I am ready to marry you. Nina also couldn’t control the emotions and accepted it. But Nina didn’t stop giving missed calls to the other two characters and continued romantic conversation with them too.
Oneday Vinod told Nina that I am coming to Cochin.So if you could reach there we can meet. So many times Vinod invited her but she declined. This time Nina couldn’t control her temptation and agreed to it. That was too much for Vinod .He suddently called Asok and told him that finally she agreed to meet him at Cochin. But Asok also requested her so many times to meet him. But she declined.
Out of jealous Asok asked Vinod about the place and time for the scheduled meeting and decided to be there. On that night Roopesh called Asok and Asok narrated the whole incident to Roopseh. Now both Asok and Roopesh were jealous about Vinod.
Finally the day has come. Vinod got up very early and bump into his latest t shirt and jeans and set out for ernakulam railway staion. By this time his two friends were also on the way\ to ernakulam. The funny thing is that even Asok didn’t know that Roopseh is also following him.
Vinod came exactly at 10 o clock in front of ernakulam town railway station and waited for Nina. Nina came by Allepy Ernkulam passenger train at 10-15 and they met each other. Nina was really beautiful. Upon seeing this our other two friends jumped into the scene. A fierce battle followed among them for Nina.
The fight continued for 10 minutes and by this time railway police came to the spot, arrested four of them and taken them to station. Police called Nina’s father . It took tow hours for him to reach Kochi from alleppy and was very tense. Police warned Nina’s father and Nina and allowed them to go. After questioning Nina's father police came to know that Nina's marriage was actullay fixed with another guy!
By this time police took Vinod into hospital for treating his bleeding nose and put some stiches. One of Vinod’s uncle who is working in cochin came to the station to meet Vinod. Uncle then brought Vinod to ernakulam station to catch 2pm island express.
I looked at Vinod and couldn’t say anything. What should I say? I just asked him what is your sim card?
He replied "Idea"
I thought "Hmmmm An idea can change your life"
I closed my novel and went to upper birth to sleep. I was awakened soon by someone speaking loudly in the compartment. I lifted my head and tried to capture on what is going on? I saw two people are just below my birth. One is bleeding and the other was consoling him. He was saying.
“Hay calm down, calm down just cool down and relax.”
“And sit here.”
He left after sometime and the train started moving towards Trichur. By this time my sleep had gone somewhere and I was just curious to know what exactly happened to this chap and came down
Our hero is around 25 years old and studying in a college. He is tall and thin. He looks like a chocolate hero with little beard. He was wearing a tshirt and jeans. He is from an affluent family in Trichur
Hay let me ask what happened to you. Your wounds are bleeding and you need medical treatment.
He looked at me and wept. I didn’t know what to do next. I asked Hay do you need any help. You look like that you from a decent family. What is the matter? You can tell me.
After some time he started to narrate his story. It all happened with this mobile phone and he picked a Nokia’s latest set from his jeans pocket. I got this damn thing few months back. I have been collecting money for the last few years to buy a mobile phone. Finally I got this one.
One fine Sunday I was about to visit a friend and I got a missed call. After saying this he made a sound like “Aaaah” out of pain.
I thought it must be one of my friends from a local booth. But a closer look changed my thinking that the STD code showed that it is someone who called me from alleppy district. I called back. The one who took the phone was a Girl called Nina. This was the beginning of my tragic life.
Hay I am sorry but what is your good name?
Vinod he replied. If you don’t mind, let share a tea I asked.
Of course he replied and Island express was approaching Trichur station slowly.
While he was sipping tea Vinod told me Nina’s voice was very sweet and I started to call her daily and our relationship grew day by day. One day I told my friend Asok about the incident. Asok was quite surprised. I told him its actually impossible for me now to live without calling Nina. She is very nice. I given her number to Asok.
Asok was Vinod’s classmate. He had to appear for the examination and was busy with studying. Oneday Asok got bordom after his studies and just dialled Nina’s number. Nina picked the phone and started talking with Asok. Asok never told Nina that I am Vinod’s friend.
Now the picture is that Nina started giving missed calls to both of us and both spent so many cards by making STD calls to Nina.
Days passed on. One day Asok met one of his friends Roopesh at a mall in Trichur and told him about his mobile love story but he never told Roopesh that he actually got the number from Vinod. Vinod is also Roopesh’s friend.
Roopesh just had a break up with his girl friend and was in search for a girlfriend. So after reaching home Roopseh just given a missed call to Nina and Nina given a missed call back to roopseh. On seeing Nina’s missed call on the cell roopseh called Nina immediately. Nina didn’t disappoint him too and entertained him daily
On a cool evening Vinod proposed to Nina saying that even if I didn’t meet you, I know that you are born for me on this world and I am ready to marry you. Nina also couldn’t control the emotions and accepted it. But Nina didn’t stop giving missed calls to the other two characters and continued romantic conversation with them too.
Oneday Vinod told Nina that I am coming to Cochin.So if you could reach there we can meet. So many times Vinod invited her but she declined. This time Nina couldn’t control her temptation and agreed to it. That was too much for Vinod .He suddently called Asok and told him that finally she agreed to meet him at Cochin. But Asok also requested her so many times to meet him. But she declined.
Out of jealous Asok asked Vinod about the place and time for the scheduled meeting and decided to be there. On that night Roopesh called Asok and Asok narrated the whole incident to Roopseh. Now both Asok and Roopesh were jealous about Vinod.
Finally the day has come. Vinod got up very early and bump into his latest t shirt and jeans and set out for ernakulam railway staion. By this time his two friends were also on the way\ to ernakulam. The funny thing is that even Asok didn’t know that Roopseh is also following him.
Vinod came exactly at 10 o clock in front of ernakulam town railway station and waited for Nina. Nina came by Allepy Ernkulam passenger train at 10-15 and they met each other. Nina was really beautiful. Upon seeing this our other two friends jumped into the scene. A fierce battle followed among them for Nina.
The fight continued for 10 minutes and by this time railway police came to the spot, arrested four of them and taken them to station. Police called Nina’s father . It took tow hours for him to reach Kochi from alleppy and was very tense. Police warned Nina’s father and Nina and allowed them to go. After questioning Nina's father police came to know that Nina's marriage was actullay fixed with another guy!
By this time police took Vinod into hospital for treating his bleeding nose and put some stiches. One of Vinod’s uncle who is working in cochin came to the station to meet Vinod. Uncle then brought Vinod to ernakulam station to catch 2pm island express.
I looked at Vinod and couldn’t say anything. What should I say? I just asked him what is your sim card?
He replied "Idea"
I thought "Hmmmm An idea can change your life"
Monday, May 19, 2008
Mumbai – A dream fulfilling city
Riding through the western express highway to , I really thought for a while. Tomorrow I am leaving this wonderful city and putting behind some of the sweet memories that this city given to me. Of course it’s true that my life here was hard and painful. But it has been a smooth journey. Continous stay here in Mumbai suburbs for 10 years changed my perception about Mumbai, India and the World.
I stayed in posh apartments and small huts throughout my stay here in Mumbai. I experienced the joy of luxury and the pain of sufferings. I stayed more than 4 months in a slum near Dharavi just to know bout the life of people staying there. But tell you a truth, I met the most lovable people there.
I came here and roamed the dark and smelly gallis of Dharawi’s slums though out midnight. I exchanged the pains and sorrows of the people staying there. Whether it is a Mahesh who didn’t have money to continue his studies and Ram who is selling leather products in Dharawi, these faces are still in front of me.
Mahesh came from Orissa , one of India’s most improvised states to Mumbai to earn his daily bread. Landed up straight in Dharawi and started a new life. Though employed in a hotel near Sion Mahesh was determined and wanted to do his bachelors degree. I helped him. Seriously I don’t have big mind but I don’t know. Mahesh determination to study and do better in life inspired me a lot. I forgot about anything and told him I will give you a part of my salary to support you for your studies. Not ashamed to tell you that later it inspired me to do my Masters.
Ram came from Chennai. He was born in city but born as an orphan. But he is extra brilliant. Always I thought if this guy is getting trained in IIM he will be in the chairman seat of DELL or Microsft. He trained well in the great university of life. He knows in and out of all the trade secrets. Leading a big leather business in Dhrawi, I asked him coming from a poor background, how much you earned this much. Nothing I know he replied but life here taught me all these things or forced me to learn all these things.
When I am saying goodbye to Mumbai, these two faces are not allowing me to fade away from my mind. I have great friends in Mumbai. Friends from different backgrounds and lifestyle. But these two shining stars of Mumbai give me strength and boldness to sail through the hardships of life.
I stayed in posh apartments and small huts throughout my stay here in Mumbai. I experienced the joy of luxury and the pain of sufferings. I stayed more than 4 months in a slum near Dharavi just to know bout the life of people staying there. But tell you a truth, I met the most lovable people there.
I came here and roamed the dark and smelly gallis of Dharawi’s slums though out midnight. I exchanged the pains and sorrows of the people staying there. Whether it is a Mahesh who didn’t have money to continue his studies and Ram who is selling leather products in Dharawi, these faces are still in front of me.
Mahesh came from Orissa , one of India’s most improvised states to Mumbai to earn his daily bread. Landed up straight in Dharawi and started a new life. Though employed in a hotel near Sion Mahesh was determined and wanted to do his bachelors degree. I helped him. Seriously I don’t have big mind but I don’t know. Mahesh determination to study and do better in life inspired me a lot. I forgot about anything and told him I will give you a part of my salary to support you for your studies. Not ashamed to tell you that later it inspired me to do my Masters.
Ram came from Chennai. He was born in city but born as an orphan. But he is extra brilliant. Always I thought if this guy is getting trained in IIM he will be in the chairman seat of DELL or Microsft. He trained well in the great university of life. He knows in and out of all the trade secrets. Leading a big leather business in Dhrawi, I asked him coming from a poor background, how much you earned this much. Nothing I know he replied but life here taught me all these things or forced me to learn all these things.
When I am saying goodbye to Mumbai, these two faces are not allowing me to fade away from my mind. I have great friends in Mumbai. Friends from different backgrounds and lifestyle. But these two shining stars of Mumbai give me strength and boldness to sail through the hardships of life.
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